Recent content by MaddiesChickens

  1. MaddiesChickens

    My chicken has maggots!!!!

    Thank you for the compliment! My parents joke around that they are my actual children! Sometimes I'm even called "the chicken whisperer" lol :) :)
  2. MaddiesChickens

    My chicken has maggots!!!!

    Hulk has gone almost 48 hours without me seeing any maggots. I am super happy! I applied some stuff on the wounds to help with healing and also sprayed maggot killer and fly repellant. So far no flies are bothering her but I will keep checking every so often. She is enjoying grazing around the...
  3. MaddiesChickens

    Anyone else dealing with fly strike this summer?

    Oh... Thank you for telling me! I didn't know!! :)
  4. MaddiesChickens

    My chicken has maggots!!!!

    Thank you for the advice:) Sadly it's very hot here and flies are flourishing, I have moved her out of reach of the flies... We have removed all the large maggots, but super small maggots remained. We bought a maggot/fly killer and have removed all visible maggots.
  5. MaddiesChickens

    My chicken has maggots!!!!

    Okay! I'll get her some nutrients. I did buy a spray for animals that kills the maggots and repels flies. (Prozac screw worm aerosol) and used it earlier. It seems to have killed most, and after a soak, I only saw a few tiny ones. After picking them off I found some eggs and did my best to pull...
  6. MaddiesChickens

    My chicken has maggots!!!!

    Thank you! This is my first time dealing with flystrike, and am grateful for any help.
  7. MaddiesChickens

    Anyone else dealing with fly strike this summer?

    Actually the maggots used for medicine have been modified to only eat the dead flesh. Regular maggots will eat flesh but only through a open wound. But they do eat dead flesh to.
  8. MaddiesChickens

    My chicken has maggots!!!!

    Thank you so much!!
  9. MaddiesChickens

    My chicken has maggots!!!!

    After giving her a bath I found more eggs :( and parents have bought stuff to kill the maggots. I will try to get her inside ASAP. Thank you so much for replying. :)
  10. MaddiesChickens

    My chicken has maggots!!!!

    update After giving her another bath I sadly discovered not all the maggots are gone. I spotted a large one and hundreds of the small ones near the top. I currently have my parents searching for something that kills maggots but they aren't chicken people. So I don't know what they'll find. I...
  11. MaddiesChickens

    My chicken has maggots!!!!

    Yesterday my father discovered my chicken, who we named "hulk", had not run off with the rest of the chickens. Upon further investigation he found maggots under her tail, later when I checked there were also flies swarming. Later that day we gave Hulk a bath to start getting rid of the maggots...
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