Recent content by MadieWestbrook

  1. MadieWestbrook

    Black Spots on Turken's Comb (possible fowl po

    I have a naked neck that is about six months old. She is our youngest chicken, but she is fierce and definitely not at the bottom of the food chain. A few weeks ago, small black spots began showing up on her comb. I wasn't worried about them since it's super hot in Texas. I figured it wasn't...
  2. MadieWestbrook

    Longhorn Crossed with Easter-Egger Rooster

    I have a beautiful rooster for sale! He is an amazing protector. I had a problem with losing chicks previously, but I did not lose one with him this year! Sadly, I have to sell him simply because he was miss-sexed, and I already have a rooster! He has a beautiful white/creamy shade to his...
  3. MadieWestbrook


    I don't want to resort to using an insecticide with my hens since I wouldn't be able to eat their eggs (correct?). They are slowly going away. The nits are few and far between. However, I'm still seeing full grown lice around his eyes, which I can't spray. Any other recommendations? Also...
  4. MadieWestbrook


    My silkie rooster has tiny white balls imbedded in his feathers around his neck. I figured automatically they were either mites or lice and bought some spray. I've been treating him with some spray that seems to be clove oil and soap. I've become worried as I have 12 chickens total. The hen...
  5. MadieWestbrook

    Naked Neck Sliced

    She has another spot, this time on her shoulder. I think the other chickens are terrorizing her. Is there anything I can get, like a chicken saddle, that will help? Or is there anything I can cover her with?
  6. MadieWestbrook


    It's actually a Eastern Yellow Bellied Racer! I've realized now that we lost chicks in the past with no trace of where they went... This snake is a constrictor, so I'm not sure what I should do...
  7. MadieWestbrook

    Wry neck?

    I'd like to think positively and just say it's a vitamin deficiency. I would google chicken-friendly foods with some of the vitamins listed above. Is she still eating? Has she been laying eggs?
  8. MadieWestbrook


    Hello! My mom and I stumbled across this snake in our chicken coop. Surprisingly, he had gotten himself wrapped around the bird netting we had used to keep our little chicks safe. We were wondering what type of snake this was and if it were a threat? If so, what can we do to prevent them...
  9. MadieWestbrook

    2 day old chick with wry neck

    DO NOT CULL HER. I had a two-week-old chick with wry neck. The Vitamin E pills take time to take effect, I believe. After one week, my little chick was completely healed. Unless you don't see a change within a week or two, please give the pills some time. I've heard them work in almost every...
  10. MadieWestbrook

    Wry neck?

    I had a two-week-old chick with wry neck. She was off-balanced and struggled to eat/drink. We thought we would lose her, but after one week of Vitamin E pills, she was back to normal. I never checked her crop, so I'm not sure about the mass. Also, I never saw her twitch. If the hen is...
  11. MadieWestbrook

    Naked Neck Sliced

    My naked neck chick has a clean slice halfway around her neck. She's the first turken I've had, so I want to be sure I help her correctly. With my mom's help, I sprayed the wound with Vetericyn and wrapped it with gauze. However, since we didn't want to cut off her airway, it was loose. She...
  12. MadieWestbrook


    She is doing so much better. I've checked her crop the past few days, and it's full! She's been eating and drinking on her own. She's even back to establishing the pecking order (as she's our dominant hen). I do have one question... when will she get back to laying eggs and is there anything I...
  13. MadieWestbrook


    I just wanted to share my love with the Backyard Chicken community. Y'all's support and help have aided me in saving two of my chickens that were near death AND helped me go from barely being capable of caring for 3 chickens go owning 12! :) I'm a happy chicken lover that's escatic to be apart...
  14. MadieWestbrook

    Aggressive Amercauna

    And, yes, there is a fenced off area with bird netting that is completely enclosed. We leave both hen houses open, so the chickens have coverage in case of rain. We also have two outdoor dog houses they can use.
  15. MadieWestbrook

    Aggressive Amercauna

    I believe it was done while free ranging, as I remember holding what I thought was a sleepy gen until she started losing weight and got to the brink of death... I'll look into other options. If I'm honest, I don't have the heart to cull her... But I don't want to lose the chickens I've had for...
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