
Hello There!
I have always wanted chickens for as long as I can remember, but could never own them because of the area I was in... BUT we have moved to the country now!
I want to have only 2-4 chickens, since it will be all new to me, waiting til spring 2021 as I still have to build a coop and want to read up as much as I can before taking the leap and really didn't want to start anything in the fall/winter, until I know what the winter is like in our new location.
So excited to finally be able to get my chickens :)
Glad I found this group to help me with the journey!
September 22
Flinton, Ontario, Canada
Real Name
Maude Topping
Why do you want to join our community?
I would like to get chickens in the spring of 2021 and want to learn as much as I can before hand. I live in Ontario, Canada.


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