Recent content by MamaHenR

  1. MamaHenR

    Pullets or Cockerels? 6 wk old Frizzle Cochin and two Orpingtons

    The frizzle is about 6 weeks and the Orpingtons are 8 weeks. I took another pic of the frizzle with flash....not sure if it changes much..
  2. MamaHenR

    Pullets or Cockerels? 6 wk old Frizzle Cochin and two Orpingtons

    Im thinking the frizzle is looking like a boy but im not sure. I thought that both Orpingtons may be pullets but now the blue is looking a little rooish opinions?
  3. MamaHenR

    3 Week Old Splash/Blue Orpingtons. Any Guesses?

    Just got these sweeties today. Both born on 3/15/16. Splash is bigger and more feathered than Blue (also has tail feathers and blue doesnt) . Just for fun, any guesses on sex? Also, this is my first of these colors...will splash get more "splashed" looking?
  4. MamaHenR

    Buff Orpington or Cornish Rock?

    I know...two very different breeds. Long story, but we bought 6 chicks from TS and on the box the lady marked 5 bantams and 1 Cornish Rock (although it was very clear that we didnt want chickens for eating) A couple days later we (supposedly) bought a Buff Orpington (pullet supposedly)from a...
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