Mark Park's latest activity

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    They "work" harder if there are 2 of them. The dominant one jumps on and off of the hens continuously all day.
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    The most aggressive rooster I ever had was a Copper and Black Marans. My kids had to take a rake with them for defense when they went to...
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    They're noisy and some breeds are aggressive. Your barred rocks would be fine. Rhode Island reds are fine. Even the ones that are tame...
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    If your neighbors are okay with the crowing, get 1 for every 10 or 12 plus one more. They work better if they compete with each other...
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    Mark Park posted a comment on the article Can Chickens Eat Grass?.
    Good Article. When I lived in England, the common wisdom was that grass makes the egg yolks more orange, and I have found this to be...
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    Mark Park reacted to BYC Project Manager's article Can Chickens Eat Grass? with Like Like.
    If you are a backyard chicken owner, you may have wondered if your chickens can eat grass. Chickens are omnivores and can eat a variety...
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