Recent content by martins show birds

  1. martins show birds

    Chicken Squawking from Roost.

    She could be telling them to come to rooster always squawks and squawks until the rest of them come to roost on the wood pile.
  2. martins show birds

    Hi everyone and greetings from Alaska

    Welcome:frow to byc :welcome we're glad you joined:ya it's a place of love laughter and lots of birds....:woot
  3. martins show birds

    Chicken Squawking from Roost.

    Is she the dominant hen? Is she always the first to roost?
  4. martins show birds

    Official Squatch Watchers

    beautiful sun rise!!:eek:
  5. martins show birds

    Official Squatch Watchers

    Morning every one :frowour dog rocky,he doesn't really care if we leave because then he can slip over and see the neighbors dogs.his favorite chew toy is a small block of wood but I dunno if it's good for him to have it cause he chews on the porch too :oops:....
  6. martins show birds

    Tobacco for Chicken

    I agree with @HuffleClaw
  7. martins show birds

    Official Squatch Watchers

    Me too:fl
  8. martins show birds

    Official Squatch Watchers

    Morning 21hens :frowhope you have a good day...:D
  9. martins show birds

    Official Squatch Watchers

    :hugsYou too:frow
  10. martins show birds

    Official Squatch Watchers

    Morning @rjohns39 :frowand morning everyone else too;):frow cant wait to see what happens today:popif anything happens.....:D
  11. martins show birds

    First egg!

    Congrats:wootand I also think she was defending the egg. I think it's a good thing for a bird to defend its eggs as long as it's not defending it from me...:D
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