Recent content by MartyHikes

  1. M

    Emergency Rooster Re-Homing, Raleigh Area, NC

    Hi folks! I have three roosters who came up together from chicks and today, two of them decided that it was time to do Thunder Dome. So, two of the three need to go, in order for everyone to continue to be safe and happy in a flock of their own. They are all individually great, unaggressive...
  2. M

    Rooster Free to Good Home, Greater Raleigh Area, NC

    This is Copper. He's a great rooster, polite and unaggressive towards people and hens, but has that protective instinct. We have one too many roosters and want him to have a good home. I don't know what kind of rooster he is; some kind of barnyard mutt. But he is healthy, has been fed organic...
  3. M

    Chicken w/ poopy butt has swollen belly

    Cool, thanks. You're right; that's very helpful.
  4. M

    Chicken w/ poopy butt has swollen belly

    Update: she died of whatever it was. However, we have another one with similar symptoms. Soft, squishy crop. Poopy butt feathers. No feathers are falling out yet, and she acts normal otherwise, so I think there's still time to save her. I isolated her for the night with no access to food and...
  5. M

    Chicken w/ poopy butt has swollen belly

    Not sure on her age. We got her already all grown up. Belly is more firm, not squishy or sloshy.
  6. M

    Chicken w/ poopy butt has swollen belly

    So, there was nothing in her crop right now to speak of, despite the fact that she’s been free ranging all day. Does that alter your opinion at all?
  7. M

    Chicken w/ poopy butt has swollen belly

    Correction: her vent is now discharging something white-ish looking.
  8. M

    Chicken w/ poopy butt has swollen belly

    Your location. -North Carolina Is there a discharge of fluids dripping from her vent? -Not by itself, only when we massage her belly/probe in her vent. Before you washed the poop off, what color was the poop? Yellow, white opaque, or clear? -Dark-colored like normal chicken poop, but...
  9. M

    Chicken w/ poopy butt has swollen belly

    Did not feel an egg when we felt in her vent.
  10. M

    Chicken w/ poopy butt has swollen belly

    We had a hen with severe poopy butt. She has been a little lethargic but acts normal otherwise. We had noticed a decline in egg production, but didn’t start worrying until now. We cleaned up the area and found that her belly appears (to us newbies anyway) swollen or distended. We don’t think...
  11. M

    Coryza in Small Hen

    We’re using Tylan 50. There is an odor for sure. The discharge coming from her eye and nostrils smells awful. I hadn’t read about Sulfa, we were told to use Tylan 50 almost as a blanket treatment for any respiratory disease in chickens, in case it was coryza or mycoplasma. This is the only...
  12. M

    Coryza in Small Hen

    We have one hen who started exhibiting symptoms of coryza pretty severely about a week ago. Swollen eye, snot, labored breathing, the works. We began treatment with Tylan immediately. We read that .25 ml administered orally over five days should cure it, so we started with that dosage, but here...
  13. M

    Quarantine Advice

    Hey folks, short time lurker, first time poster here. My wife and I got our first batch of pullets last fall. There are four of them, and they’re about 17 weeks old now. So far, so good; everyone is healthy. We’ll call them group A. In the last week, we got a group of four hens who are about a...
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