Recent content by Marysa21088

  1. Marysa21088

    Relocated Chickens and they are dying! HELP

    This particular egg farmer did not have any special lighting on in theirs. They had sky lights and it was actually darker in there than it was outside when I picked them up. I got some antibiotics and vitamins to put in their water. IF something is wrong with them it will help, if there isn't...
  2. Marysa21088

    Relocated Chickens and they are dying! HELP

    Thank you, I take that as a compliment. I definetly have a soft spot for chickens, and all animals period. I would save them all if it was possible, but I really don't think it would be a good idea to have 75,000 chickens. HAHA. These egg farmers (at least around here) are only allowed to keep...
  3. Marysa21088

    Relocated Chickens and they are dying! HELP

    An egg farmer was getting rid of about 75,000 chickens, and he gave me 150. I love chickens, and enjoy seeing them run and play all around the back yard all day. I have a weak spot for wanting to give these chickens a better life because they are treated so poorly in those small cages, and I...
  4. Marysa21088

    Relocated chickens, and not laying regularly...

    I have about 18 acres, but the chickens do not go on most of it because of fences and things like that. They wander around out in the back yard, and sometimes up by the house, but otherwise, they don't go anywhere else. I think they are just adjusting....I got 5 eggs yesterday, which is more...
  5. Marysa21088

    Relocated chickens, and not laying regularly...

    They stay fairly close to the coop, and aside from the coop there really isn't anything else in the back yard, but I will definetly check around the yard and everything again but I have never found any anywhere except inside the coop. I will also be sure to keep feed available 24/7. Thanks!
  6. Marysa21088

    Relocated chickens, and not laying regularly...

    Yes, I leave the door to the coop open all day and they wander around part of my back yard. I have 20 hens and I only get 3-5 eggs a week total (not per hen either)...and sometimes not even that. They don't lay eggs anywhere besides in the coop.
  7. Marysa21088

    Relocated chickens, and not laying regularly...

    A friend of mine gave me 20 chickens after I bought my house (which came with a coop out back)....he has thousands upon thousands of chickens and was in the egg business. Since we moved them, they haven't been laying regularly. I've had them for about a month or so now. Someone told me it may be...
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