Recent content by Matthew D

  1. M


    Mostly I have been the camera man. I may consider doing some videos documenting my training.
  2. M


    Yes, I am into minkenry. Plus I have enjoyed having laying hens for many years. And yes, I found your post by searching for "minkenry" out of curiosity one day last week. The book is worth it. Joseph's early videos teach you a lot, however, the book provides more details and is an invaluable...
  3. M


    Just finished reading the thread. Very interesting place to find a mink thread. lol. Mink and chickens really don't mix well. Like oil and water. Any updates on your adventures in trapping a mink? Be careful at this time of the year. The females have recently had their babies so you don't...
  4. M


    I love this thread. Do you have the book, The New Sport of Minkenry? I highly recommend it! Just a suggestion, I'd stick with a farm mink if I were you. There are very strict laws about owning wild animals.
  5. M


    There are no laws in keeping and owning a "farm" mink. They are considered a domesticated farm animal, like any cow, goat, chicken, etc. If you plan on trapping a wild mink, you may need to get a licence from your state department of fish and game. However, if you are serious about getting a...
  6. M

    Yippy a chicken forum

    Okay, this is awesome! There is a forum for just about everything. I love it! (1) Are you new to chickens / when did you first get chickens? Nope. I think it is in my genes. Been around them off and on for over 40 years. Grandpa had game chickens. Family has had laying and meat chickens over...
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