Recent content by mbundy

  1. mbundy

    Best Cross For Egg Laying????

    My red sex-link laid her first egg on Jan 20 was off and on a few days and has not missed a day since Jan 28. My wife wonder why we have anything else?
  2. mbundy

    How many eggs did you get in February?

    My red sex link (who only started laying in January) was a perfect 28 for 28 in February! She even managed to squeeze out a 3 oz/85 gram monster!
  3. mbundy

    double yolk

    My Red Start first laid a double, but subsequently has laid singles...
  4. mbundy

    Post your FIRST EGG pics!

    Got our first egg today. I have 3 hens (Red Star, Austrolorp, EE) and they are 18 weeks old! Not sure who the proud momma is. I didn't expect an egg so soon, it being winter and all, but I guess SoCal winter doesn't count
  5. mbundy

    Chemical Free feed

    Quote: I would imagine that the crop losses would be higher in 'chemical free' fields and those losses would be reflected by higher feed prices...
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