Recent content by Mcmamak

  1. Mcmamak

    Sicilian Buttercup crosses?

    I have a chick that was advertised as an Easter egger but looks like a Sicilian buttercup. Did you ever get any glasses and what did they end up looking like? Just curious
  2. Mcmamak

    How Do You Deal With Failure?

    Hi I'm a new chicken keeper (10 Months) and after reading some of your threads would LOVE to get your book! Is it out yet?
  3. Mcmamak

    Chicken sadness and crying?

    What kind of chicken is she?
  4. Mcmamak

    Boys or girls?

    How can you tell?
  5. Mcmamak

    Second chicken that I'm trying to figure out.

    This chicken is also 18 weeks old. Purchased at Big R. Trying to figure out if it's a boy or girl. In the second picture she/he is front and center.
  6. Mcmamak

    Boys or girls?

    This is my first time with chickens. I purchased these chickens at Big R. They were labeled Easter eggers. Can anybody help me? Is this a boy or a girl? I'll post the next chicken in a separate post but they are both 18 weeks old.
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