Recent content by mikeyD

  1. mikeyD

    Exhibition Poultry for sale

    Do you have the white silkies still, and a pair of the ringnecks? I would be interested and I am in Hawthorne
  2. mikeyD


    He is not aggressive towards people or chickens. I have a small bantam roo thats in the same coop, they are fine.
  3. mikeyD


    1 Blue Laced Red Wyandotte rooster, lower Dutchess County NY.
  4. mikeyD


    I live in lower Dutchess County NY and have a Blue laced Red Wyandotte rooster. Come and get him!
  5. mikeyD

    Survived first attack

    First off Oorah, and thank you(1,1,1 recon). Second try using leds that flash constantly (not motion) from sun down to sun-up red in color. The red wont bother u but sure annoys everything else. Havn't even seen a deer or tracks in about 6mo. (freezer getting low!!) After the bear broke in...
  6. mikeyD

    Survived first attack

    No wild hogs here , I'm in NY. Building a tight, strong structure was my best defense, auto door, and those flashing LED's work great.
  7. mikeyD

    Survived first attack

    get a few, don't really have to move them around just have them facing different directions. Staying up all night with rifles seems a little in the excess unless you have a real problem. These work great, I think in confuses predators more than anything else.
  8. mikeyD

    Survived first attack

    Have had problems with bear, foxes, coons, Nite Guard lights work great and they are solar. About twenty bucks, they keep my ladies happy.
  9. Default


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