Recent content by MinervaTheHen

  1. MinervaTheHen

    What should I do for my antisocial roosters? Are there any other types of bird that could provide better enrichment?

    This is exactly what I needed to hear, thank you. I tend to worry a lot about doing the right thing when it comes to my animals, sometimes too much. I have the experience and knowledge to mostly make the right choices, but sometimes (like right now), I get a bit overwhelmed with something that...
  2. MinervaTheHen

    What should I do for my antisocial roosters? Are there any other types of bird that could provide better enrichment?

    Good point, I think I’m a little idealistic about this. Part of me really just wants them to have friends, haha. Part of the reason I’m more worried about their behavior is that they don’t really seem all that independent. I’m realizing I didn’t do such a great job in explaining everything in...
  3. MinervaTheHen

    What should I do for my antisocial roosters? Are there any other types of bird that could provide better enrichment?

    Thank you! Rereading my post, I realized I didn’t make it super clear why I was leaning towards a second type of bird. From what I’ve seen, these guys won’t go outside/forage/act semi-normal unless they see something else do it, even if they don’t actually interact with the other bird. I just...
  4. MinervaTheHen

    Keeping pigeons with roosters?

    Hello, I posted this on another forum but realized this one might apply more. So I have three bantam roosters who are just not integrating with my flock. I don’t mean they are aggressive; actually the opposite. They move in a little pack, don’t ‘talk’ much with the other chickens or ducks, and...
  5. MinervaTheHen

    What should I do for my antisocial roosters? Are there any other types of bird that could provide better enrichment?

    Hello, I’m not sure if this is the right spot for this question but I figured it was my best bet. A while back I bought four straight run bantam chicks at my local feed store (complete impulse buy, they were very cute), and as luck would have it, all four ended up being roosters. I posted...
  6. MinervaTheHen

    Is it humane to trim a beak, and if so, how would I go about it?

    Wow, that mental image is horrific. Poor hens. I’m glad you helped them. That article is super helpful, thank you. I’m going to wait a few days before I try anything with the beak, even super gentle things like what you suggested. It’s probably an irrational fear, but you know how it is with...
  7. MinervaTheHen

    Is it humane to trim a beak, and if so, how would I go about it?

    I have pieces of a deconstructed parakeet cage that could definitely work for safe separation, thank you. Right now they’re in completely separated pens, which is surely adding to the stress of all four chicks. I’ll check out those videos for sure. I think I’m going to wait a few days before I...
  8. MinervaTheHen

    Is it humane to trim a beak, and if so, how would I go about it?

    I was thinking the same! The behavior would fit too—LOTS of chest puffing and angry little hops. Also, he’s by far the most feathered out. Not sure if that means anything. I’m not a bantam person either
  9. MinervaTheHen

    Is it humane to trim a beak, and if so, how would I go about it?

    That is fascinating, I had no idea those existed! I think my birds are a bit too small for those now, but I’ll keep it in mind.
  10. MinervaTheHen

    Is it humane to trim a beak, and if so, how would I go about it?

    Thank you, I was worried that the procedure would be painful and I will definitely avoid it. No need to hurt the poor devil. I do have an adult flock, full of very opinionated hens. I haven’t tried that yet because it’s still pretty cold where I am, nights in the low 20s and teens, and I was...
  11. MinervaTheHen

    Is it humane to trim a beak, and if so, how would I go about it?

    Hello all. I recently bought four straight run assorted bantam chicks, who are about a month old now. One of them (who I am affectionately calling Lucifer), started pecking the smallest of the four. I thought that if I gave them some time they would work it out, but eventually Luci drew blood...
  12. MinervaTheHen

    Emergency Raven Care?

    Unfortunately the bird died before I could get him anywhere or call any of our local wildlife rehab centers. Thank you all for the advice!
  13. MinervaTheHen

    Emergency Raven Care?

    Ooh, yeah that definitely is a little scary. Actually, there’s been several sick crows in the area.
  14. MinervaTheHen

    Emergency Raven Care?

    Thanks! Yeah, I was definitely worried about diseases. He’s in a cage that I don’t use anymore, and I have him in a separate room.
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