Recent content by minxracing

  1. minxracing

    Bantam Cochin Hen sick, Please HELP :-(

    :-( My girl ended up dying shortly after I posted this thread. She definitely had some type of digestive blockage. She was not passing food and had a collection of fluid in her crop. I took her out of her cage and put her on my desk and her crop ruptured. The trapped fluid came rushing out...
  2. minxracing

    Bantam Cochin Hen sick, Please HELP :-(

    My girl is about a year old and has had no issues to date. She stays in the house most of the time. Outside every now and again on Saturdays while I work. She doesn't have a lot of social interaction with other chickens, only dogs. For about 3 days she has been very lethargic and slow, she...
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