Recent content by missgiven

  1. missgiven

    Ended Official BYC Mini Contest #2 - Post your funniest poultry pic and you ca

    My girls enjoying the foam on my latte Traffic jam in the nesting box
  2. missgiven

    Baby Chick Pictures!!!!! POST!

    My 3 week old WCBP. Growing so fast!
  3. missgiven

    Baby Chick Pictures!!!!! POST!

    My white crested black polish arrived today! This is Myrcella, she's my favorite.
  4. missgiven

    Three Soft Eggs at Once! Problem?

    Thanks. It sounds crazy, but there was another egg under her roosting spot this morning. This time it was a hard shell, though it felt brittle. So, between 7pm yesterday and 7am this morning she has laid 4 eggs! She is acting like her normal self again, but I will keep an eye on her. Hope she...
  5. missgiven

    Three Soft Eggs at Once! Problem?

    Hi there... So I have a young barred rock that just started laying in the last week. I estimate that she is about 21 weeks old. She started out laying 2 soft shelled or shell less eggs from the roost during the night. She kept that up for two nights. Then yesterday there was only one soft egg I...
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