Recent content by mommyrocks74

  1. mommyrocks74

    Broody Hen Thread!

    Hey friends I need your advice. Over the past few weeks my one broody hen grew to three broody hens sitting on ten eggs extremely diligently and today I went to see if we had any peeps and all ten eggs are gone, only saw remnants of one shell, no "parts" or mess, and the hens are absolutely...
  2. mommyrocks74

    BUY IT NOW: Serama mix, silkies, cochin, showgirl, LF English Orpingtons

    Do You still have the black serama hen or brown serama pullet? I have a serama rooster I'm trying to find a mate for. I'd need shipping to Virginia.
  3. mommyrocks74

    HELP!!!!!!!!!!! ALL of my hens have stopped laying eggs!

    Here is a mystery for you. I have seven hens, all good layers. Four lay brown eggs three lay white. For over a week now I have only gotten brown eggs, no white ones or even shells to be found. What in the world?
  4. mommyrocks74

    Wry Neck - Confused about treatment

    Thanks for the reply, he wasn't doing anything at all except snuggling in my hand and sleeping. Last night I tried giving him water with honey and an opened vitamin E capsule with a dropper and I think some got in his eye and he started shrieking and then dropped dead in my hand, then he...
  5. mommyrocks74

    Wry Neck - Confused about treatment

    I have a chick that is a day old, the only survivor of my hatch, I think the humidity was too low, this was an assisted hatch out of a very shrink wrapped egg. The chick peeps a lot but won't stand, won't drink, won't eat, sleeps almost constantly, and when I try to give wwater by dipping the...
  6. mommyrocks74

    MARCH Hatch-A-Long 2015: Please Read the First Post to JOIN the H-A-L

    I started with 48 eggs and put 17 in lock down last night. I only had one dorking egg go into lock-down. It was not as far along as the others but moving so I'm keeping my fingers crossed. The easter egger eggs even though shipped are champs, 11 of those went into lock down and looked the...
  7. mommyrocks74

    MARCH Hatch-A-Long 2015: Please Read the First Post to JOIN the H-A-L

    I candled last night, day 6, and out of my 48 eggs I am down to 32. I think more of them than I pulled were clears but if I saw ANYTHING at all that might be a tiny vein I kept it. I cracked them all to make sure and nothing but yolk in the ones I pulled. The majority of the ones I pulled...
  8. mommyrocks74

    MARCH Hatch-A-Long 2015: Please Read the First Post to JOIN the H-A-L

    I sent the PM to join, so hopefully I did that right. I have 36 eggs that were shipped to me last week waiting on a late arrival that should come tomorrow or Thursday and then they will all go in the incubator! I have 14 dorking eggs, 10 cochin eggs, and 12 easter egger eggs and am waiting on...
  9. mommyrocks74


    Oh yeah that's pretty much as far from here as it gets :)
  10. mommyrocks74


    Oh man! What part of Virginia are you in? I'd love to find someone who wants him, good luck in your search!
  11. mommyrocks74


    Hi I'm in Rockingham County, I am fairly new to chicken keeping and enjoying it very much. I got 9 day old chicks in the fall and am anxiously waiting on my first egg :) Out of my nine two are roosters and I am looking to rehome one of them if anyone would want a barred rock roo let me know...
  12. mommyrocks74

    Hello from Bridgewater/Rockingham County-Virginia!

    Hi I am fairly new to chicken keeping and enjoying it very much. I got 9 day old chicks in the fall and am anxiously waiting on my first egg :) Out of my nine two are roosters and I am looking to rehome one of them if anyone would want a barred rock roo let me know. He's about 5 months old and...
  13. mommyrocks74

    Barred Rock Roo-Rockingham Co, VA

    My barred rock roo is coming into maturity (about 5 months) and is in with his hatchmates, 1 other rooster and 7 hens. The two roosters have always gotten along fine but in the last week or so they have started fighting over the hens and the barred rock is non-stop trying to mate the hens. No...
  14. mommyrocks74

    October Hatch-A-Long

    I have 10 light sussex eggs in a brinsea mini on day 12. I candled several of them last night but I am just not good at figuring out whats in there, whether it is a hug yolk floating around or a chick, whether is it the air cell or a blood ring, etc, one had a definite yellowy area and then a...
  15. mommyrocks74

    Need help identifying day old chick please!

    They came from my pet chicken from their rare breed assortment. I pretty much stalked their page all day Monday and Tuesday and based on the last minute availability i think it might be a double laced barnevelder. The list of possibilities is pretty long but I had assumed they ship from...
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