Recent content by Mountain Chic

  1. Mountain Chic

    Omlet Chicken Runs

    Great idea on the black dog run fencing! I will take a look. I plan to make sure the chicks are in the coop every night so I'm only worried about daytime hours.
  2. Mountain Chic

    Omlet Chicken Runs

    Thank you Junbug!
  3. Mountain Chic

    Omlet Chicken Runs

    LOL! Yeah, I don't like their coops either. On cost, I don't see how you can have one built any cheaper. Only if you did it yourself...which we won't do. Do you know of another manufacturer who makes large walk-in runs?
  4. Mountain Chic

    Omlet Chicken Runs

    Thank you! I was thinking the same thing, but I want it to look good and blend in with the trees. This one looks good in the photos. Maybe I will look for some ideas to build something. It's costing $3K to build the coop so I don't want to spend that on a run!
  5. Mountain Chic

    Omlet Chicken Runs

    Thank you for your response and advice Art! What I'm considering is the walk-in size square run. It comes in different sizes. What size would you use for 7 small to medium (when grown) hens? My...
  6. Mountain Chic

    Omlet Chicken Runs

    Hello Everyone! I'm new here and a new chicken owner. Loving my 2 week old chicks! We are looking for a pre made chicken run of good size and I came across some made by "Omlet". They are large and made of steel. What I was hoping I could get feedback on is the size of the steel mesh. It...
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