Recent content by mywifewasonherenowiamalso

  1. mywifewasonherenowiamalso

    Why did my cock just attack my mum??

    he was putting her on the pecking order
  2. mywifewasonherenowiamalso

    Cockerel keeps attacking me!

    if you kill it make sure the others see it, they will get the idea you are not to be messed with
  3. mywifewasonherenowiamalso

    Is it easier to introduce chicks to roosters than hens?

    i never had a problem with roosters, only hens will kill chicks is my experience. roosters are protective but will peck them sometimes to keep them in line
  4. mywifewasonherenowiamalso

    CROWS!! Ahhhh never though they would be a problem.

    scarecrow make the head out of a feed sac turned inside out and draw on it with a permanent marker
  5. mywifewasonherenowiamalso

    Most docile rooster breed?

    only one has ever attacked me or my family and that stopped real quick. i turned my back and he attacked my son when he was 1, i grabbed him by his head and spun him and slammed it on the ground, and then butchered it(some bones were broken). i have never been challenged since. oh it was a...
  6. mywifewasonherenowiamalso

    First Time Culling the Flock

    what kind is it and how old. whats wrong with it?
  7. mywifewasonherenowiamalso

    Most docile rooster breed?

    my sumatras get food for the babies and break it into peices for them and make these cluky sounds to get them to eat game birds are bred to not be aggresive to people only other roosters
  8. mywifewasonherenowiamalso

    Name That Turtle!

    or speed bump
  9. mywifewasonherenowiamalso

    Name That Turtle!

    stew- boy name
  10. mywifewasonherenowiamalso

    Name That Turtle!

    in indiana we have 2 different box turtles one you can keep and one you cant. make sure your not breaking the law by keeping it.
  11. mywifewasonherenowiamalso

    cracked corn?

    i would supplement their diet with it
  12. mywifewasonherenowiamalso

    how long do we need the heat lamp?

    nothing is free so i guess thats the price i pay
  13. mywifewasonherenowiamalso

    Duck smell

    ducks love to forage in grass
  14. mywifewasonherenowiamalso

    Duck smell

    just feed them where the will forage and dont feed them in the pen until the go up at night
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