Recent content by Nala36

  1. N

    Possible worm infestation

    Thank you so much for the input. I have been very worried lol. I really appreciate it.
  2. N

    Possible worm infestation

    A couple days ago o did have runny poop but it didn’t look like anything was in there. Every other day I do let them free range. So maybe they just ate something that didn’t agree with them. Could wind cause pale combs?
  3. N

    Possible worm infestation

    They lady anywhere between 2-4 eggs daily still. The past week I’ve been getting 4 eggs each day.
  4. N

    Possible worm infestation

    I am located in Pennsylvania. My cheeps are 25 weeks old. It has been in between the 50-60’s during the day about between 45-35 at night. They seem happy and talk a lot very excited when I got outside.
  5. N

    Possible worm infestation

    Hello my 6 hens have had pale looking combs the past week. I have seen two hens black spots on the combs also. There has been diarrhea for the last two days in the coop. Can it be worms or something else?
  6. N

    Deworming help

    Good evening everyone. I am a somewhat new chicken mama. I have noticed my chickens have worms and want to treat right away. But I don’t know what to use and DE is not working. Can someone please help me with this.
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