Recent content by nevadagal

  1. nevadagal

    hen walking problem video included splayed spraddle leg? mareks?

    Well, I've finished with the chickens and hope they will be okay. I've got the sick girl off to the doc for a Necropsy and hopefully will know in a few days. I just hope it isn't contagious. Last time I rescue without knowing more about the living environment the bird comes from; my mistake...
  2. nevadagal

    hen walking problem video included splayed spraddle leg? mareks?

    Thanks for the reply. I have been researching Marek's and she seems a fit. I am worried about my flock. Will tend to the yard today; turn the dirt (have a tiller), clean coop, wash out etc. I'll do what I can; don't want to lose my other girls. I'm wondering if she had this before I got her...
  3. nevadagal

    hen walking problem video included splayed spraddle leg? mareks?

    Wish I could help you with your girl - I found your post because I have an Americana that isn't walking right. I noticed it last night. She'd stand up and wobble-walk a step and fall - there is obviously something wrong. I separated her from the flock and put her in a dog crate and then this...
  4. nevadagal

    Should I kill this bird?

    I have a small flock of chickens and I have one Rhode Island White (one of 4) that I got this summer. They were with an aggressive Rooster (aptly named Woody). One of the hens was missing a lot of feathers on her backside with some wing feather damage and I figured Woody liked her best. Fast...
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