Recent content by Newbiegirl

  1. Newbiegirl

    Help! Farm Innovators 2100 Still Air Incubator

    Crazyfeathers I am curious to know how your hatch turned out. I am using the same bator and have not had very good luck with it to date.
  2. Newbiegirl

    Day 19 and one chick hatched

    The incubator is a Farm Innovators and I have a thermometer inside, the temperature has been at 99.5 very steadily. This morning I noticed three more eggs are about to hatch and others are showing movement. The chick is very active inside and has been laying near some of the eggs but does not...
  3. Newbiegirl

    Day 19 and one chick hatched

    I am not new to having chickens but am new to using an incubator. We have had chickens for years but usually bought chicks from a hatchery or let a broody hen run her course. I have twelve eggs I started in the incubator and just took the turner out yesterday. Today is day 19 and this afternoon...
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