Recent content by newton1

  1. newton1

    Russian Orloffs

    I order from Welp on line. I am loving just watching them grow. I have two roosters and 23 hens.
  2. newton1

    Russian Orloffs

    Hello everyone. I am new to Russian Orlofff. I have 25 now. I was wondering if anyone else out here have them. Mine are two months old. Born first of May. When do they start to lay? Is it the same as other breeds?
  3. newton1

    Hello everyone. I am new on here and I like this site a lot. Thank you. I have a question. A few...

    Hello everyone. I am new on here and I like this site a lot. Thank you. I have a question. A few of my 2 to 3 year old birds have this white milky stinky poop that runs down their back side. Then it hardens to a paste. I say stinky it is very stinky. Was wondering if any of you ever had this...
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