Recent content by Nikks Fox

  1. Nikks Fox

    Baby Chick cant walk!

    he didnt get much better sadly and.. unfortunately died last night
  2. Nikks Fox

    Baby Chick cant walk!

    No, he cant hold his head up at all, I think Ill try the bandana technique and see if i can get sav-a-chick, I really hope he'll make it.. thank you so much for the good advice! I really appreciate it
  3. Nikks Fox

    Baby Chick cant walk!

    His legs arent splaying out, which concerns me cause he literally just sits there, it seems as if he doesnt have enough strength in his legs to actually stand, his eyes are closed quite often as well but he can open them
  4. Nikks Fox

    Baby Chick cant walk!

    Last night i found a chick in my garden, he was chirping loudly for his mother and when i approached him he didn't try to walk away and couldn't move his legs at all and was just waddling on the ground, he was away from his nest so he must've been able to walk at least to were i found him but...
  5. Nikks Fox

    Dead Chicken

    Hi everyone... My rooster has become a victim of a cat attack, I am so sad as he has 3 hens and 4 chicks, he was killed during the early hours of the morning. Luckily I have another Rooster and his two hens but I am not sure how to introduce them . I have tried to put them together in a garden...
  6. Nikks Fox

    Silkie Rooster

    No he is not in his cage mostly he is outside (i keep free range chickens)
  7. Nikks Fox

    Silkie Rooster

    No i have not see him pullout his feathers
  8. Nikks Fox

    Silkie Rooster

    this is my first time keeping chickens i keep silkie hybrids but my silkie rooster has pulled out all his feathers around his neck , i don't know why, i have checked for lice but i have not found any. What should i do
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