Recent content by NoPlaceToHide

  1. NoPlaceToHide

    No walk, but seems in good condition

    Hello, one of my hens, since 4 days slowly slowly has stopped to walk around the garden. Her feathers are good, she still eat and drink and seems apparently in good condition but doesn't walk. When I took it up the girl she try to fly and run if take freely her wings and legs. The first vet give...
  2. NoPlaceToHide

    Pictures of Coop Construction. The first real build is DONE!

    I've a simple question, the dimension in the project of the first coop is in inch or cm? How much cost in your side the structural wood?
  3. NoPlaceToHide

    My hen is limping. Help!

    I've an han in the same situation, limp but nothing is wrong apparently, my vet said, probably a bacterium or sore throat...and now I'm administering an antibiotic and cortisone, I would help her with vitamins too, wich kind of vitamins can I buy please?
  4. NoPlaceToHide

    From Italy

    thanks :)
  5. NoPlaceToHide

    Chronic cough and wheezing

    one of my rooster have something like yours, I've see the video, but I'm not worried I thinked it's a simple cooling, but now it's more than 2 weeks. I must go to my vet.
  6. NoPlaceToHide

    From Italy

    Hello, I'm new member of this fantastic forum. I'm raising ornamental hens, since 1 year, and I need to improve my knowledge about this exciting world. Sorry if sometime you can found error on my typing. Thanks to all.
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