Recent content by obnoxtine

  1. obnoxtine

    A Bielefelder Thread !

    Thank you, very helpful information. Right now he's the only Bielefelder, but if I need more hens I think I'm going to try to get more. I really love the temperament of the breed (and how pretty they are of course)!
  2. obnoxtine

    A Bielefelder Thread !

    It was recently pointed out to me that my rooster may need more hens. I am getting different numbers from different places and since it can depend on the breed I thought I would ask here! Any opinions on what a safe number of hens is? Right now I have one rooster and four hens.
  3. obnoxtine

    ADHD Support Group

    I was recently diagnosed with ADHD (at the age of 28). I had no idea until recently that all the things that frustrated me about myself were even symptoms of ADHD, because they are so rarely talked about :( I wish there was a lot more advocating for ADHD so it was better understood. It seems...
  4. obnoxtine

    Chicken Quiz Questions

    Maybe a true/false question about chicks being sent through USPS. As a newbie that was a surprising fun fact for me and others who found out I got them in the mail!
  5. obnoxtine

    I Don't Know How Much Longer I Can Go

    As an oldest daughter with a mom that leaned to heavily on me, I understand your pain. I can also tell you it gets better once you're grown and out of the house. You'll get to be in control of yourself and create whatever boundaries you feel are healthy for you. Personally, I also got to start...
  6. obnoxtine


    Perhaps we are! Looks like you're on the exact opposite side of Iowa, I'm in south central (though I'm originally from Boone). Honestly, I have a lot of art supplies and don't do as much as I would like either haha Hope you're staying safe in the heat too, it's been ridiculous! Thanks for...
  7. obnoxtine


    Newbie chicken owner here! My chicks are about 3 weeks old now and I have six of them. Unfortunately one passed a way a week after we got them, we are not sure why, but she wasn't growing. I'd be lying if I said I didn't cry a bit of a river for sweet lil Pip. We gave her a nice little burial...
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