
I have had hens for many years. Like most I started out with a handful and worked my way up to dozens. Now I have about 30 hens. We have Rhode Island reds for eggceptional eggs and it is a very good laying breed.
Having hens is a family responsibility. Dad tends to the maintenance of the coop, changes that need to be applied or maintained during the seasons. I tend to the daily needs of our flock; taking care of feeding, gathering, restocking and so on! My two daughters are also a part of making it all come together. Our oldest has the responsibility of gathering the hens and locking them up at night and our youngest is the official hen catcher when one gets away. The girls also help me with the clean up of the coop and rearrange there play area.
We really enjoy having hens and the joy they bring to our family.
We used the deep littler method in the coop. I use pine shavings and straw. This makes for wonderful fertilizer and the hens here do most of the work mixing it all up.
We sell our eggs to friends. I get so many compliments on the taste of these fresh eggs vs. store eggs. A few people have told me I have the best eggs they have had. We purchase our as pullets from a local Amish man every April. We could not ask for better hens. We also have a rooster and two turkeys. (Male & Female)
This year we are planning on hatching out our first batch of baby chicks and expanding our coop in size and with hens. This is going to be an eggciting year for our family.
May 21
Chester, Maryland
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