Recent content by oldbag855

  1. oldbag855


    Quote: Hello, I haven't been on here lately but I third the call for Ravelry. There are a flock of people there that have great patterns and advice. At first it's a little intimidateing but once you start looking around you're like a kid in a candy store. If you sign up you can save patterns...
  2. oldbag855

    Meyer Hatchery - Worst Experience Ever

    I just called to report my losses at Meyer hatchery. I told them that the chicks that I lost were cold when I got them. 6 out of 12 on the cold side have died. They are going to replace them in a week. I am a great believer of customer service and people that stand behind what they are selling...
  3. oldbag855

    Meyer Hatchery - Worst Experience Ever

    I'm sitting here on the fence. My 25 chicks arrived from Meyer yesterday morning. The chicks at the one end of the box were cold. All of the chicks were huddles in the corner. I brought them home immediately and put them in the brooder. I was losing a chick every few hours. 4 total as of this...
  4. oldbag855

    Duramycin-10 and ACV

    Sneezing.. I wasn't sure if I should medicate but I thought an ounce of prevention.. I would rather treat now and not eat the eggs for a while rather than not have my girls. I was not thinking ( feeling kind of stupid now) when my brother-in-law wanted to add some of his chickens to our flock...
  5. oldbag855

    could I use an old bath tub as a brooder?

    That's exactly what I used for a brooder this spring. I put some plywood about 3/4th's of the way across the top, had my husband build a frame with screen for the rest. I used metal screen so I could lay the heating lamp on the screen or clamp it to the side when they didn't need so much heat...
  6. oldbag855

    Duramycin-10 and ACV

    I have started my chickens on Duramycin-10 1 tsp./gal. Can I continue to give them ACV in with the antibiotics? Searched everywhere here and I am getting a little confused. Not along drive lately!!LOL Thanks!
  7. oldbag855

    Crafters- What are you making???

    I love the idea of using the tablecloth back for projects! I wonder how I ever got along without this website! Cynthia, The quilt you are working on is beautiful! I love doing the tops but hate the quilting part. There's a lady here that quilts the bigger ones for me. Thank goodness because...
  8. oldbag855

    sewing machines

    I have two singers and one white. Would buy a Singer again. I have one of their quilting (sewing) machines and it works very well for what I want it for. The other has a slant needle which is a small thing but it sews much better than a straight up and down needle. I looked for features that...
  9. oldbag855


    Quote: You can find thatpattern and others at Knitting That pattern just came out free
  10. oldbag855


    Too late to join?? It's like having the best of both worlds here on BYC!
  11. oldbag855

    knitting questions

    I'm sure you have found your answer already but if you do a search for knitting socks with two circular needles, tons will come up. I agree that it takes just as long to knit two socks(or hats) at the same time as it does if you knit them seperately. The technique works well with socks because...
  12. oldbag855

    Needed batik fat quaters

    I don't have any batiks in my stash or I would send you some. Husband says way to much fabric for one person. Although, I just got a new catalog and they have batiks at a very reasonable price. They have samplers that are reasonable also. They will even cut a fat quarter...
  13. oldbag855

    Curious about projects made with feed bags

    I recently saw a bag on etsy for a bag made from a dog food bag and it cost $15. You could just use a feed bag instead. If you do a search for bags made from dog food bags you get a few new ideas. They even have a messenger bag that you could use for the geo caching bag at...
  14. oldbag855

    Is my rooster "normal"???

    I have a RIR rooster that is about 6mo. old. I swear he thinks he's a hen. He hasn't crowed. I've seen him laying on the eggsin the boxes! I think he is confused. Do you think he has transgender issues? LOL! He doesn't harm the eggs, just sits there! This is my first post here as you guys...
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