Recent content by overnow

  1. overnow

    Cochins Bantam Roosters to Giveaway, Weatherford, Texas

    Have a total of eight Cochin Bantam roosters approx. 7 1/2 weeks old I would like to sell, but just soon giveaway to person or persons that would like to have them. They are mixed, blue, grey and black coloration all healthy and fiesty. Received them as "packing peanuts" on my pullet order from...
  2. overnow

    Does anyone have Polish (Reg or stand) and Cochin Bantam Chicks? Texas

    I currently have eight cochin bantam roosters that are seven weeks old, blues, greys and mixed with some black. I would be more than willing to give you as many as you want of the lot. I live between Azle and Weatherford. I can post pics if you are interested. Thanks.
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