Pak Rat

Hello hello!

My name is Michelle, aka Pak Rat. Animals are my passion!

I joined for my duckies, Lilikoi and Marchesa, two of my three daughters. Yeah, I got fur, feather, and scale babies. Here, I'll introduce them real quick:

Toboe is my boy. He's a wonderful dog, gentle and intelligent beyond words, having him in my life has enriched it like nothing else. We are inseparable. His birthday is July 14 2007. He's about 65 lb and blonde, without a breed, but looks more labrador than anything.

Kaydith is my little silver kitty. Most of the the time it feels more like I'm living in her world rather than the other way around. She's as sweet as can be, and can raise my spirits regardless of circumstance, even though she herself can be emotionally fragile, and in those cases I can return the favor, and oh, she knows! She was born September 2015.

Milady is a bearded dragon, and my first ever reptile. He was adopted unexpectedly from a bad situation. It's definitely been a learning experience(can you tell by his name?). If I ever doubted that lizards could have intelligence and feelings, he dashed that doubt! The furnishings in my house were selected and arranged with care so that he could roam without getting lost or stuck. He still needs his enclosure most of the time, mainly for the heat, but when he roams he does so with confidence, utilizing every perch (especially if Toboe is around, what a comfy throne!), skittering underfoot without a care, humoring Kaydith when she gets playful and wants to play leap-frog, and laying in front of the fireplace like a true housepet. He has a big custom made enclosure with a hammock and beds and a pool that he loves, and when he wants to come out he makes a fuss to let us know. I don't know his birthday, but he was probably hatched in 2015.

I'll add more later, this page might end up getting quite long, I haven't even talked about my ducks yet!
NW Washington, US
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Parent of two indoor ducks



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    Anniversary: 5 Year

    WOW 5 years!?!? SUPER CONGRATS!
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    4 years older and wiser too? Congrats on 4 years with us!
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    WOOT! Happy 3 year anniversary!
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    Time flies when you're having fun! Happy 2 year anniversary!
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    Wow, it's been a year already!?! CONGRATS!!
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