Recent content by Pam Dahle

  1. Pam Dahle

    Myth: Bad eggs will float / good eggs will sink

    I usually always crack my eggs open into a bowl before cooking them. But of course this will not work for wanting boiled eggs! Since we have chickens I am able to have control over the eggs being fresh or not so I don't worry about this too much unless we have kept to many eggs in the outdoor...
  2. Pam Dahle

    Myth: Bad eggs will float / good eggs will sink

    We have always had chickens. I am retired and grew up having chickens as well. I do think when an egg floats that it is not necessarily bad or rotten just older. In the Asian culture there is a tradition of eating 100 year old eggs. I have eaten eggs that float many times and can not tell any...
  3. Pam Dahle

    Storing eggs for incubation

    Thanks for the instructions for storing chickem eggs before incubating. I used to hatch eggs a lot but have not tried for several years and could not remember the most appropriate way to store them. I just got my incubator out of storage and plan on hatching some of my chickens eggs for a...
  4. Pam Dahle

    storing eggs prior to incubation

    Does anyone know how to store chicken eggs before you put them into the incubator so they will aall hatch around the same time?
  5. Pam Dahle

    New member

    Hi. My neme is Pam and I am new to this site. I have had chickens most of my life and I currently have 13 hens and one rooster. I have 5 Ariconas (or however yoou spell it) 4 Rhode Island Reds; 2 Turkens; 2 Golden Sex Links; 1 Silver Laced Wyndot. I also have a Canadian Goose I rescued as a...
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