Recent content by pcdreams

  1. pcdreams

    Super fatty chicken experience

    Now that you mention genetics It reminded me of something else. These birds were crowing at 3 weeks. Never had that before. Yep we insta-potted one yesterday and it's edible that way :) I see lots of pulled chicken sandwiches in my future. Hey, there are worse things.
  2. pcdreams

    Super fatty chicken experience

  3. pcdreams

    Super fatty chicken experience

    We got the broilers from McMurray. They have 2 varieties, but we got the broilers (vs the layers). We only processed the cockerels and kept the pullets as layers. We've not raised cornish cross. We raised Freedom (red) rangers. Sorry, I didn't make that clear. I've been afraid to try the...
  4. pcdreams

    Super fatty chicken experience

    Since I'd never grown Delewares before, I did some research (and asked the hatchery) and the consensus seemed to be 16-20 weeks for this particular breed. If I do them Again I'll likely try some at 12 and 16 weeks baked in the oven at 325 for 1:30 covered. This is how I typically cook...
  5. pcdreams

    Super fatty chicken experience

    So we raised some Deleware birds. roos went for meet and hens are starting to lay. We processed last week and these are the fattiest birds I've ever processed. Their skins were very fatty, I'd liken it to how duck looks. And there was so much fat inside that it was difficult to get into the bird...
  6. pcdreams

    Avg date/length for sale of day olds in SW Missouri

    yea that was good. Just needed to move them faster and in quantity. lol. It was a good experiment. Now I know that I'd probably do weekly hatches rather than all in one go.
  7. pcdreams

    How to price hatching eggs

    Have you hatched eggs before? This would give you an idea of what hatch rate could be (of course it varies with each incubator and a persons management style). Are you, do you plan to be NPIP certified. This may make a big price difference. Generally, I'd suggest setting price somewhere in...
  8. pcdreams

    Avg date/length for sale of day olds in SW Missouri

    I had mixed results. I still haven't gotten a time frame down (think I may have been a bit late). It took me a couple extra weeks, but I ended up selling what I had at $6-7/bird. Going forward I think I'd try to find a better method than Craigslist though. Sold straight run with Delewares...
  9. pcdreams

    Deleware meat birds

    I'm getting ready to put some delewares on pasture and, as I've never run this breed before, I'd like to know how flighty they are. I've raised rangers in chicken tractors and they never tried to fly. Raised some layers and they'd try to fly every time the door was opened. Just wondering what...
  10. pcdreams

    Custom Broiler feed

    Eventually I'd like to find some gravity wagons for this purpose, but we're planning to move later this year, so don't really want to that now. I am interested in a feed mixer, though I know next to nothing about what to even look for in that arena. Long term goal is to be doing 1000 a year
  11. pcdreams

    Custom Broiler feed

    yes, Fertrell is one of the supplements in the blend I'd like to do. I'm basically just starting with the Salatin mix, or an equivalent
  12. pcdreams

    Custom Broiler feed

    I've tried a couple, but they've both told me they deal mostly with cattle and layer feeds. They didn't seem particularly interested in talking about it further. I know there's Hostetlers in Buffalo, but that's a bit of a drive. I'll give our extension office a call. That's a great idea
  13. pcdreams

    Custom Broiler feed

  14. pcdreams

    Custom Broiler feed

    Im just in the planning phase right now, but I'm looking at 100 Cornish. So 1500# over 8 weeks.
  15. pcdreams

    Custom Broiler feed

    I'm looking for a place around Springfield that does custom mix for broiler feed. I can buy a ton at a time if I can get it in those bags. I'll just have it loaded on a trailer and put it in barrels here.
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