Recent content by pdxevergreen

  1. pdxevergreen

    Nesting boxes: On the floor or on the wall?

    I'm for putting them on the wall. They will adapt, and you will have an easier time collecting their eggs.
  2. pdxevergreen

    Topic of the Week - Coop Bedding and Waste Management; Deep Litter Method etc.

    I agree that it can get messier and smellier in the winter...but if you stay on top of it I don't think chickens really smell that bad. Straw 5 inches Clean it every 3 months. Dirt.
  3. pdxevergreen

    5 hens missing and 2 dead.

    So sorry for your loss!
  4. pdxevergreen

    Beginner thinking about hatching chickens

    I think you should give it a try.
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