Recent content by Petrichor

  1. Petrichor

    Hatching eggs soon!

    Hello! I am going to hopefully hatch eggs here very soon for the first time. I am going to try the golf ball trick to see if I have a broody hen and then put a few eggs under her. It is guaranteed that they are fertile seeing as how I have 4 roosters right now. I just have to get a broody hen...
  2. Petrichor

    Any Teens on here between 14-20 show off your chickens!!!!!!!!:D

    I'm 18. I got my flock in June. I have 28
  3. Petrichor

    Silkie thread!

    Hi, I managed to find this silkie thread and I just got two 4 month old silkies to add to my flock, giving me a total of 28 chickens total. The lady who sold me my two silkie girls mentioned that "I'm sorry they are a bit messy... They were in the milk and love it." I don't know EVERYTHING about...
  4. Petrichor

    Pets Galore =]

    Everybody got their wings clipped today and I cleaned out the coop. They weren't happy about getting their wings clipped but I spoiled them with sunflowers and watermelon.
  5. Petrichor

    Ended Your Chicken Pictures Needed For The BYC 2013 Calendar

    Eggy is my naked neck This is Ducky my black frizzle cochin rooster
  6. Petrichor

    Pets Galore =]

    Thank you :)
  7. Petrichor

    Pets Galore =]

    So as I watch my boys and girls grow I see little changes that surprise me. It looks like Frizzle, one of my brown frizzle cochins is turning out to be a rooster. If anyone is interested please let me know.
  8. Petrichor

    Pets Galore =]

    The pictures are on the first page. The last set of pictures I put up
  9. Petrichor

    Pets Galore =]

    Does anyone want an Americana rooster? We have two and need to sell them. $10 each. They are not aggresive at all but I really want to keep ducky so these two will have to go.
  10. Petrichor

    Pets Galore =]

    This morning I went out to let everyone out of the coop for the day and got pelted in the face by a flying chicken that was way to anxious to get outside.... One of the roosters of course. Eggy reminds me of a T-Rex when she runs its so funny.
  11. Petrichor

    Pets Galore =]

    Honestly I'm not quite sure. I just started calling him that when he was a chick and I guess it just kind of stuck.
  12. Petrichor

    Pets Galore =]

    Thank you! She got hurt pretty bad a couple weeks ago but she is doing amazing and is getting bigger each day. The others do like to pick on her neck though. Poor girl.
  13. Petrichor

    Pets Galore =]

    ^ Part of the flock ^ Two of the Americanas turned out to be roosters. ^ One of my Afros v ^ She likes to sit on my shoulder whenever she gets the chance v ^ Ducky!! He's getting so big v ^ They have taken a liking to roosting in the rafters of our chicken coop ^...
  14. Petrichor

    Pets Galore =]

    ^ my afros are getting there afros!!! v ^ Eggy has such a personality ^ This is my rose comb rooster. He is supposed to turn red and green... I'm not seeing it. v ^ This is my black frizzle rooster His name ducky v ^ Brown frizzles v
  15. Petrichor

    Pets Galore =]

    ^ Eggy ^ ^ My Afros! v Eggy got sleepy while eating ^ ^ They started eating the newspaper we had them on for the first two weeks. We decided it was time to move them to the coop that my grandfather built in the early 60's v
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