Recent content by phykes203

  1. phykes203

    Wedding photo update~ Don't one person yell at me/ coloring my chicken

    Ok, I dont buy pink. I don't wear pink. I don't use pink. I don't even like pink......but that is the most adorable chicken (amd creature) I have ever seen. I had no desire to have silkies before but after the photos...hhhhmmmm.......chicken math kicking in.
  2. phykes203

    Do you have a sign on your coop?

    My inside sign is going to read, "No Cocks allowed" for 2 reasons. #1 I'm the only girl in the human house, so I figure the hen house ought to have no boys allowed. And #2, the city prohibits roosters, big time. (It was going to be above the front door but the hubby objected.) As for my...
  3. phykes203

    Funny Chicken Names

    I love the names....3 of my girls coming later this month are still unnamed. So far I have a RIR named KungPao and a black Australorp named Teryaki. One of my Buffs will be Cashew. I thought my older son's teacher was going to lose it when he brought "the girls" in for show and she asked him...
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