Recent content by polychip

  1. polychip

    Chicken with swollen face and comb

    That was a very specific description. I thought of that too but those were her only symptoms. I checked with the ag extension office also. They weren't concerned. This morning she's right as rain. Perky and no swelling.
  2. polychip

    Chicken with swollen face and comb

    You know, we don't have very many ticks this year. I haven't seen a single one. Now that I wrote that I know I'm going to see tons. But what we do have are spiders. So many spiders.
  3. polychip

    Chicken with swollen face and comb

    My poor Blue. Went out this evening and she's sulking with a swollen face. She's bleeding a little from her nose and mouth. I called our good country vet and he said she was probably bitten by a spider. He said to give her 1cc of banamine in her leg. I did about Two hours ago. She's in a brooder...
  4. polychip

    My chickens are killing each other. No. They really are.

    No, not 6" X 6". I meant .6" X .6". I need coffee. And I'm glad you liked the story. I like it when people follow through with their questions so everyone can understand the resolution even if they were wrong like me.
  5. polychip

    My chickens are killing each other. No. They really are.

    I don't know. I think it was maybe breaking the necks (or otherwise beating them up really bad) of the big chickens that tried to defend the babies and then just took off with the little ones. There were some tiny abrasions around the face. Looked like peck marks to me or even places where ants...
  6. polychip

    opinions please

    I have a fox problem and they dig under things so fast. I would use hardware cloth or 2X4 welded wire. They can rip apart chick wire pretty easily. I'm not sure what you mean for the top. Maybe pics like the previous poster suggested. The link doesn't work for me.
  7. polychip

    coop door

    I have had mine for a few months and have had to reprogram it twice because I have foxes that like to hunt at dawn. The reprogramming is stupidly easy. Not a pain at all. Just reset (takes about 30 seconds with a magnet). Then go out and open it when you want it to open and close when you want...
  8. polychip

    Pros and Cons for using sand

    I didn't read the whole thread so I'm sorry if I'm repeating something. My coops is all sand and the only drawback I've found is the stick right fleas. They're easily controlled by spraying the coop with a home insecticide once a year. I love it. Wouldn't have it any other way.
  9. polychip

    My chickens are killing each other. No. They really are.

    I got mine on Amazon. It's a Moultrie. The cheapest one that had nighttime capability. I got a 32 GB card. It's easy to use. It has to be for me to be able to use it. :-) I think I spent $130 including batteries. Also records video although I've never used that feature. Takes great pics right...
  10. polychip

    My chickens are killing each other. No. They really are.

    The thing is, we thought that area was covered. I had covered it last winter due to an abundance of caution We even went back and checked the hardware cloth on both sides. We couldn't even tell it had been disturbed. Crafty indeed. And I'm so so glad everyone kept me focused on predators. I...
  11. polychip

    My chickens are killing each other. No. They really are.

    Dead raccoons don't find their way back to my chicken coop. Quick and painless but it had to be done
  12. polychip

    My chickens are killing each other. No. They really are.

    Update!!! Moooohahahaha!!!! He pulled all that cord in there with him. Small price to pay.
  13. polychip

    My chickens are killing each other. No. They really are.

    Well. My faith is restored in chicken kind. The reason we didn't see that hole is because light doesn't shine through it and we had covered it last winter. I hope I can explain how complicated it is for this guy to have gotten in there. He must have really worked at it for years maybe. The barn...
  14. polychip

    My chickens are killing each other. No. They really are.

    Ugh. I could have miscounted. It was dark. I'm second guessing myself. Game camera is set up and lashed to a support pole Why would a weasel kill in exactly the same spot in the coop every time? I just don't know.
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