Recent content by Ponypeople118

  1. P

    Pullet or cockerel?

    None of them have any waddles at all
  2. P

    Help I don’t know what I’m doing

    I have always been able to tell pullets from cockerels.....until I got these silkies. The oldest is about 18 weeks (black) the youngest is about 14 weeks (white). I see no behaviors that make me think one way or another and when I got them I totally guessed on sex with some educated guessing on...
  3. P

    Pullet or cockerel?

    The black one’s poof looks crazier in the picture than it actually is
  4. P

    Pullet or cockerel?

    These are all silkie of different ages and hatches. The youngest is the white at about 13 weeks and the oldest is the black at 17 weeks the other two somewhere in between. I bought them end of may and guessed the sexes hoping for pullets. I have always had no problem telling boys from girls...
  5. P


    New to the forum but we’ve had chickens for 12 years. We currently have 1RIR, 1 black jersey giant, 1 mystery Pullet maybe golden comet, 1 Wyandotte, 1 buff Orpington and 4 silkies. We live on 10 acres and also have 1 pb pig, 3 horses, 2 dogs, 8 cats( 3 indoor/outdoor 5 feral) and 1 squirrel.
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