Recent content by Pooma

  1. Pooma

    lost 3 chickens to our dog. what to do

    I agree with 21. Do NOT tie a dead chicken to your dog. Terrible idea.
  2. Pooma

    Newbie with Four Dead Rhode Island Reds. Advice?

    All of the chicks are similar in age, purchased at the same time. My dog is entirely too large to gain access to the chicks. They were killed inside the enclosure. If indeed a predator, my best guess would be a raccoon over the top. But, again, why not eat them? Or, at least partially? They...
  3. Pooma

    Newbie with Four Dead Rhode Island Reds. Advice?

    Yes, they were in an enclosure within a larger enclosure, which is fairly secure against larger predators. And, outside this secure area, roams a large German Shepherd that typically discourages raccoons and whatnot. There is no evidence of an intruder and the bodies were not eaten, only...
  4. Pooma

    Newbie with Four Dead Rhode Island Reds. Advice?

    Looking for answers from chicken experts. I lost four Rhode Island chicks in the past 10 hours (when I last checked them). Each sustained injuries under the wings, back, and neck, and one underbelly, but none "eaten." I see no obvious evidence of an intruder. They were roughly a month old...
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