Possum-Pie's latest activity

  • Possum-Pie
    Possum-Pie replied to the thread Fussy (not broody) hen.
    You DID hit it on the head! You Chicken Whisperer! I also have a Silver-laced Wayandotte who is the smallest of the flock, sometimes...
  • Possum-Pie
    Possum-Pie replied to the thread Fussy (not broody) hen.
    LOL, a 3 year old...Black Australorp. Boy, she is in rare form today, usually justs lasts a half hour or so, she's been at it for 3...
  • Possum-Pie
    I have a hen who is always "fussy". The best that I can describe it is the sound a whiney toddler makes when he doesn't get his own way...
  • Possum-Pie
    Sad to hear about the dropped egg...Some folks don't candle their eggs I did b/c a hen doesn't always kick a rotten egg out of the...
  • Possum-Pie
    Lots of good info...remember after 21 days of this she WILL look a bit tattered. Weight loss isn't uncommon. Read up on egg candling, it...
  • Possum-Pie
    There is no need to feel bad about having favorites, I think if we were all honest, we all have a few that we like the most. Keep an...
  • Possum-Pie
    While these last few posts are "mostly true" People tend to forget that domestic chickens are NOT the same Red Jungle Fowl that lived in...
  • Possum-Pie
    If you are dedicated to this, you should mark the eggs (to know that no other hen is sneaking newer eggs in, and learn to candle the...
  • Possum-Pie
    If you truly want chicks, you will have to endure a long period of difficult times. Chickens often lose feathers, weight, health, and...
  • Possum-Pie
    Possum-Pie reacted to aart's post in the thread Feather Pecking with Like Like.
    Check them over real well for mites and/or lice: Google images of lice/mites and their eggs before the inspection so you'll know what...
  • Possum-Pie
    Possum-Pie replied to the thread Feather Pecking.
    As a healthcare professional, I'm constantly telling horrified parents that just b/c your child has lice/scabies/etc. doesn't mean that...
  • Possum-Pie
    Possum-Pie replied to the thread Feather Pecking.
    I quickly glanced over the thread again, it's been a while since it was active. My Bard Rock is still around- I didn't give her away and...
  • Possum-Pie
    Possum-Pie replied to the thread Feather Pecking.
    Mat10, I mean I'm getting rid of the Bard Rock. I won't allow one hen to bully another. I've tried separating her in a cage for a while...
  • Possum-Pie
    Possum-Pie replied to the thread Feather Pecking.
    I've had almost the exact same problem for 6 months since we adopted a few new hens. All integrated into the original flock except a SLW...
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