
I’m a mom of 3 in a small farm town. Born and raised here I have 2 schitzus, 4 ducks, and a flock of chickens. Poultry was something we stumbled upon not quite expecting to fall so in love with it! My oldest daughter is 9 and shows poultry in her 4H and my middle child is 5 and she isn’t old enough to show yet. My son is 2 and LOVES ducks with a passion just like his momma! Their daddy is a hard worker and supports us in everything we do! I’m a dental assistant at a large no fear sedation office. I’m also a soccer mom/coach to my girls. My life is full of love, surprises, and adventure. I’m a very happy soul.
Apr 14, 1991 (Age: 33)
Moscow, Ohio
Real Name
Laura Smith
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To give and receive hints and tips on poultry farming
Dental Assistant



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