Recent content by quailbiddy

  1. quailbiddy

    Barnevelder gender confirmation

    Approx. 6 week old Barnevelder chicks. I believe I have two pullets and a cockerel. I am also curious about the cockerel's color. Thanks in advance! (Edited to change Millies are 11 weeks, these ones are 6-7 weeks old. Apologies!) Pullet?: Pullet?: Cockerel? And why is his...
  2. quailbiddy

    Shipped hatching eggs experiment?

    Do you think refrigerating shipped eggs for an hour or two, after allowing them to settle, might help with air cell disruption? I am thinking about trying it with a couple of my shipped eggs, when they arrive. My thinking is: *Fertile eggs can be hatched after refrigeration, although the rates...
  3. quailbiddy

    Shipped quail eggs

    Hey all! New to posting here but looong time lurker! I have had quite a few successful hatchings of my own quail eggs (buttons), but wanted to try my hand at coturnix. I had them shipped from OR, so it was not far, but there are a few with detached air cells. I have never incubated eggs with...
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