Recent content by rawfitgirl

  1. rawfitgirl

    ISO: Cochin (LF & Bantam) or Bantam Brahma Eggs

    My kids are looking to start a new breed for 4H next year. They like the Cochin and Brahma personality! Only looking for recognized colors and must be NPIP. Prefer close by states for shipping to Colorado. Please post pics of parents and bloodlines, if known. TIA
  2. rawfitgirl

    The NEW Crazy 24hr AUCTION thread

    Are the Cochins NPIP?
  3. rawfitgirl

    Started chicks for sale: english orps,

    Is this list up to date? Looking for orps. Thanks
  4. rawfitgirl


    Beautiful Birds!
  5. rawfitgirl

    Rare breed poultry HUGE FLOCK SALE

    Can you send peafowl with silkies?
  6. rawfitgirl

    Hatching eggs from exhibition quality breeders

    When will the d'uccles be available? My 10 yo son lost 2 Mille Fleur roos last year that he adored. He is willing to wait as long as it takes for quality birds.
  7. rawfitgirl

    Euskal Oiloa (Basque Hen) Chicks

    Oops, sorry, just found it in the policies and procedures link.
  8. rawfitgirl

    Colorado Hatching Eggs Thread

    Mesa County
  9. rawfitgirl

    Day old Chicks!!: 40+ breeds available: English Orpingtons, Auto Sexing Breeds, Partridge Brahmas,

    I don't see an option for buff or silver partridge silkies. Do you not have those anymore? Are they show quality? thanks
  10. rawfitgirl

    Euskal Oiloa (Basque Hen) Chicks

    Sorry, if I missed it on your site, but what is the min order for chicks? and can you put a 2-3 ducks in with 6-8 chicks?
  11. rawfitgirl

    Rare Breed Chicks, Hens, Roosters, and hatching Eggs in AZ Biefelder, Creme Legbar, Isbar, Swedish F

    We are intersted in Silkies, Marans, and Bresse. What do you have available and when is the first available ship date? Thanks
  12. rawfitgirl

    Orpington Chicks for sale

    Too bad you are so far away, we would take these babies in a heart beat - love the orps.
  13. rawfitgirl

    Colorado Hatching Eggs Thread

    Anyone have eggs in CO they can ship to us or suggestions for Pre-ordering chicks? The kids are looking for new 4H stock - Silkies, Brahmas, Orpingtons, Silver Duck Wing, Phoenix, Bantam Marans, Japanese Bantam. Must be born no later than March 15, 2015. thanks
  14. rawfitgirl

    day old chicks from exhibition quality parents

    We would love to get some bantam Barred and White Rocks & possibly LF SP Rocks. Is this a pre-order? Thanks
  15. rawfitgirl

    WANTED: Bantam Maran Eggs

    Anyone know of any Bantam Maran breeders, my kiddos want some for 4H this year? Thanks
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