Recent content by redcowgirl2009

  1. redcowgirl2009

    Coturnix Quail Basics- Information and Pictures Galore

    Thanks! Yes we are too but we are just getting started. Still learning and trying to absorb all I can.
  2. redcowgirl2009

    Coturnix Quail Basics- Information and Pictures Galore

    Let me see, I have these two unfortunately my phone made a shadow. It's not the most friendly of birds and is hard to hang onto.
  3. redcowgirl2009

    Coturnix Quail Basics- Information and Pictures Galore

    Can anyone tell me what sex this bird is? I am thinking it's a she but not sure? It's a cinnamon, sorry my fingers are covering part of its breast feathers. Second picture it's a little over cast but shows her back.
  4. redcowgirl2009

    Blue Astralorp -Blastralorp???

    Sometimes it is nice not to have a roo. We don't have one right now and I am enjoying the piece and quiet. We will be buying two roos as soon as our chicks are out with the big girls. I am thinking a Black Copper Maran and maybe a Legbar?
  5. redcowgirl2009

    Blue Astralorp -Blastralorp???

    Thank you guys she is also so sweet...maybe cause she is spoiled.
  6. redcowgirl2009

    Blue Astralorp -Blastralorp???

    A while back we hatched some eggs. Most ended up being roosters, which at our house means they are meat chickens. We got chickens with the intention to hatch chicks to raise for butcher. Anyhow we did get one hen in a batch and she is amazing looking! She is out of a Black Astralorp and our old...
  7. redcowgirl2009

    are your dogs and chicken friends

    Reagan the Pembroke Corgi and one of our Barred Rocks
  8. redcowgirl2009

    Comment by 'redcowgirl2009' in item 'Wyandotte'

    I have mostly Wyandottes in my flock and all are great. I have two Blue Laced Reds mine integrate well but are not exactly friendly to me. One we have named Rory is shy but will eat out of my hand. The other went broody this year and screams like a banshee when approached. We have no Rooster so...
  9. redcowgirl2009

    Comment by 'redcowgirl2009' in media ''

    Delayed feathering? He isn't ugly just needs more love!
  10. redcowgirl2009


    Be careful feeding garlic it can cause Heinz Body anemia. Expert Herbalist Susan Burek suggests only feeding it if your hens are sick and feeding it crushed in water until the chicken appears to be better. Google her she is great, and has great natural advise for humans as well. Good luck with...
  11. redcowgirl2009

    How to keep my Rooster at home

    Naughty roo! He want's more hens! Good excuse to get more chickens! I would go with it ;). Good luck.
  12. redcowgirl2009

    Chick Grit ???

    We feed and organic non GMO feed that is not processed like a crumble or pellet starter or grower(it is actual grains chopped up baby size). It is important that with the feed we feed they have a way to get some grit in. That being said I never use chick grit. I put a pan of dirt with rocks in...
  13. redcowgirl2009

    FERMENTED FEEDS...anyone using them?

    We do a lot of fermenting. I was fermenting some of our organic layer feed but it was too much with all my other ferments: sourdough, Sauerkraut, milk and water Kefer, Kombucha and wells as seasonal veggie ferments. It was just an over load. Now I sprout grains for them instead. I set up...
  14. redcowgirl2009

    Are they both roosters??

    Yes would have to agree they are roosters.
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