Recent content by redhen689

  1. redhen689

    Tiny eggs, Large yolks.

    Well, I think I partially figured out what happened here. Last summer was a very tough year for my chickens. I had purchased a few chicks (supposedly vaccinated) that I gave to a broody hen to raise. I lost a few hens to predators, and unfortunately the chicks died off one by one of some type...
  2. redhen689

    Tiny eggs, Large yolks.

    She always has access to water. But yes that is it. she is not producing much albumen, and the albumen that is there is thin and runny.
  3. redhen689

    Tiny eggs, Large yolks.

    Here's what they look like in the fry pan. One normal egg, and the tiny egg with the large yolk.
  4. redhen689

    Tiny eggs, Large yolks.

    I tried posting a photo yesterday, but had some technical issues. I'll try again.
  5. redhen689

    Tiny eggs, Large yolks.

    I have 4 young hens, one is about 10-11 months old, the other three are 8-9 months old, hybrid White Rock/Rhode Island Red (these 3 were bought as started pullets). All started laying last fall, the oldest one had started laying before I got the others. Every day I go out and find 3 large eggs...
  6. redhen689

    Hen sex-change? Or something else?

    Many years ago I had a hen that started to crow when she was about 8-9 years old. It wasn't an incessant crow like a rooster. Just maybe once or twice a day. I was really confused at first, because I didn't have any roosters and couldn't figure out where that crowing sound was coming from.
  7. redhen689


    I am so sorry. I have kept chickens for many years, and have had lost some to predators, had some die of natural causes, but have never had to put a bird down because it was suffering, until now. I have a pullet that I think has Marek's. Her one leg went lame a little over a week ago. I was...
  8. redhen689

    Lethargic Pullet

    [ I did put her on Corid for about 5-6 days. She did improve a little at first, but then made no further improvements. She died within an hour of my last post. I came back to try to figure out what to do with another pullet who isn't bearing any weight on her right leg. :(
  9. redhen689

    Lethargic Pullet

    I think it took me too long to treat her. She ended up with neurological damage, and has not been progressing. I had never had a chicken with these symptoms before and didn't know what I was looking at. She is dying now. Unfortunately I have another pullet that was fine yesterday morning but...
  10. redhen689

    Lethargic Pullet

    Another update: Progress has been very slow. At times I think there is no progress, but she is better than she was on Wednesday. Her appetite is good, She still seems uncoordinated, but she is definitely better than she was 4 days ago. She wants to be with the others, but isn't able to keep...
  11. redhen689

    Lethargic Pullet

    I thought I'd try to put her in the coop for the night, but she seemed distressed, so I brought her back in the house. I didn't want to keep her separated too long, because sometimes there are problems with reintroductions. I try again tomorrow. Hopefully she waill continue to gain strength!
  12. redhen689

    Lethargic Pullet

    Just an update. I arrived home from work a few minutes ago. DH had said he would move her back into the coop for the day. When we talked on the phone, he said that she looked much better. When I went out to the coop, I could hear her, but didn't see her at first. She had gone out into the...
  13. redhen689

    Lethargic Pullet

    Good news! She is still alive. Bad news is that she is still very weak and lethargic, but I think slightly improved from yesterday afternoon/evening. My husband put her back in the coop for the day, I just brought her back in for the night. Force fed her a little hard boiled egg. She is...
  14. redhen689

    Lethargic Pullet

    She survived the night. She did drink a little water with corid in it, but not much. I'm on my way to work a 12 hour shift today, so she's pretty much on her own. We'll see what the day brings. (DH is here, but he's not a "chicken person".)
  15. redhen689

    Lethargic Pullet

    When I typed the above post, she appeared to be having convulsions. She felt very warm to me. Many years ago when I had an injured chicken a vet told me over the phone that I could give a tiny sliver of a baby aspirin for pain. At his point, I figured it couldn't hurt to try it for a fever, so...
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