Recent content by redpepper

  1. redpepper

    Ended Official BYC Contest: Worst Chicken Molt Pictures - Fall/Winter 2012

    How long does the molting last? Because I've got feathers all over the place and I'm afraid they will get cold this winter. I'm in Indiana and we're going to get a cold snap Thursday night. It's suppose to drop about 25 degrees. Red Pepper
  2. redpepper

    Can anybody show me what a poop board is supposed to look like?

    Still would like to actually SEE this poop board. Also when & how do you get mother hen back with the flock and how old do the young ones can you introduce them into the flock? They all get along outside the coop, but when they get inside it's another story.
  3. redpepper

    Hen rapidly losing feathers!

    I have the same problem I think. 7 out of the 9 hens I have are losing or have lost a lot of their feathers. At first I thought the rooster was getting a little ruff because on their backs the feathers are gone or thinned out. They also have bald butts. I have sprayed with Manna Pro Poultry...
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