Recent content by RobochickofLubbock

  1. R

    Picture Of The Week (POW) Information & Submissions

    Wow! Beautiful chicks-so pretty...
  2. R

    Hi! I'm new, and I already love this community!

    Hi, welcome from Texas. I'm new at this too! My babies are only 10-11 weeks now. This site is awesome to help with every question. Just wanted to stop by and sending my best wishes.
  3. R

    Most of my hens are laying eggs that have thin, soft shells and break easily

    This is really helpful. I wasn't sure when to switch feeds or how OS to be introduce. My pullets are fine and healthy-good sunlight and active. They get 20% chicks starter since 1st week. Some broccoli and cabbage, as treats. I saw all these post and thought I better do something extra to...
  4. R

    Most of my hens are laying eggs that have thin, soft shells and break easily

    Ok-you answered my question. Yes, I will wait till further down the line. I'm at 20% protein right now and feeding broccoli and cabbage, as treats. They are growing and seem happy. They interact and get exercise all day and good sunlight. So I will stop worrying and wait to see what happens...
  5. R

    1st Egg!

    So the combs must develop before the eggs, right? Mine are 10-11 weeks-no combs yet. Maybe in another month.
  6. R

    Soft or no shell eggs, new layer

    Oh wow, I have Gold Stars ( 10-11weeks old ) myself. This is interesting to read and learn especially since we have the same type. Following........
  7. R

    Shell-less egg and soft shell egg by 2 different hens? Calcium?

    Oh-Okay ! Goodness, I'm glad I asked the question. Just the feeder of OS-ok. When should I do that? I read a lot about new birds producing soft shelled eggs and want to do something early to possibly to help. I do understand that in the beginning they could produce odd eggs. It can & probably...
  8. R

    Most of my hens are laying eggs that have thin, soft shells and break easily

    I have young ones (10-11 weeks) and wondering what I might do before this starts happening. When the chicks were younger our weather was 102 and very dry. But now it has cooled off to 90 daily and they are out in a larger coop eating everything. I want advice about starting OS/calcium and...
  9. R

    Shell-less egg and soft shell egg by 2 different hens? Calcium?

    This is really good information to read. My chicks are about 10-11 weeks old and wondering if I should go ahead and start on layer feed so they already have in their system before the laying begins. Any thoughts??
  10. R

    Show Me Your Pallet Projects!

    I love this idea. I'm going to use it ! Thanks
  11. R

    Review by 'RobochickofLubbock' in article 'THE MULLIGAN'

    What a beautiful coop. Nicely done. Thanks for sharing all the pictures
  12. R

    New Hippie Homesteaders

    Welcome to the site. Lots of good information here. I'm newbie chicken keeper. I have 6 babies about 10 weeks old now. Learning as I go... no experience - just wanted to try this backyard hobby. Best of luck.
  13. R

    Confused on what to feed.

    I agree-I'm confused on when to change their feed. When to add calcium. But this is great place to learn. Chickens are smarter than we know-LOL! I read that we put the oyster/calcium in a separate bowl and they will know when to eat. I haven't seen anything about the grit except it aids in...
  14. R

    Confused on all Flock Feed

    I started buying from for the auto ship. I can buy and have it shipped to my door and not chase around looking for food, bedding materials and my dog food.
  15. R

    Moving chickens to a new coop

    I moved mine to a new coup yesterday but had to do during the day. Flushed them out of the old area then blocked it off. Let them stay in the yard for awhile so I didn't upset them too much. I got the first one picked up and the others started to move in the same direction but of course they...
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