Recent content by rocking2r

  1. rocking2r

    Raising Meal Worms-to separate or not to separate

    Thank you! That makes good sense. How many drawers do you keep going? And what are your "drawers" like? Are they like 5" deep wooden trays? I have been keeping mine altogether in an aquarium. They are all mixed together. So I will need to get another drawer or something to put the beetles...
  2. rocking2r

    Raising Meal Worms-to separate or not to separate

    I started a colony of meal worms. Now they are going crazy breeding and producing mealworms, beetles, etc in my fish aquarium. Do I separate the beetles from the meal worms? If so, how is the easiest way? Do I leave the used wheat bran in the bottom of the aquarium? Or do I replace it with...
  3. rocking2r

    Meal worm question

    I see this question was from2009, but I've got the same questions and I wonder if you're still around, and what you finally ended up doing?
  4. rocking2r

    What's out there?! Scary noises curious & nervous

    Also I’ve never heard a bobcat scream like that and have lived around them for 40 years.
  5. rocking2r

    What's out there?! Scary noises curious & nervous

    I’d bet my next paycheck that it’s a cougar/mountain lion. I lived in an area where they were common and their “scream” sounded exactly like a woman’s scream.
  6. rocking2r

    Help! New neighbor suddenly hates chickens!

    I’d give my neighbors eggs too. Peace offering.
  7. rocking2r

    Help! New neighbor suddenly hates chickens!

    Somewhat off topic, but regard to the raccoon that killed your chickens... how did he damage the hens? I’m trying to identify a Predator that killed one of my hens. Her bottom was eaten out and her inside organs were all eaten. Then she was buried/hidden under the wood shavings on the hen...
  8. rocking2r

    What killed my chicken?

    Mystery solved! This morning we found raccoon tracks around the door and it appeared to have been tampered with. It also appeared it had tried to get into our feed cans. If it gets into the feed that can be costly! Tonight we’ll set a trap
  9. rocking2r

    What killed my chicken?

    Could the predators have been a skunk?
  10. rocking2r

    What killed my chicken?

    Can you tell me more about the ring cam? I’m not familiar with that. Maybe you could give me a link where they sell them?
  11. rocking2r

    What killed my chicken?

    Thank you for your kind words. Our pen is now secure- I think. Tonight will be the test. We do have live traps. Will have to see if they are operable.
  12. rocking2r

    What killed my chicken?

    What killed my hen? It’s bottom was eaten out and the insides were eaten. It was found in the hen house covered up with pine shavings on the floor. It looked like something hid it to come back and eat it later.
  13. rocking2r

    Will my chickens survive their first winter?

    I guess we spoil our chickens. When it’s below freezing we turn on a red heat lamp. It’s set on a timer to turn on at 6:00 pm and go off at daylight. It keeps the water from freezing and heats their 8 X 10 house a little bit as well.
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