Recent content by rosiebramall

  1. rosiebramall

    The Duck Thread

    Has anyone got any ducklings for sale around the Sheffield area?
  2. rosiebramall

    New to ducks, make or female

    They're all together as like one big family. The other drake is 4 months old and we thought he was a female when we bought him but now he has started getting a green head. But there's no trouble between the two drakes. But I'll try to seperate them x
  3. rosiebramall

    New to ducks, make or female

    Right ok thank you... I think this is the case. The other drake doesn't bother her at all though so I was confused. He has pulled a few of her feathers out and now she always sits on her own which I don't like to see. So I think I will have to separate him some how. But they are free range on my...
  4. rosiebramall

    New to ducks, make or female

    Just wondering if anyone can help... All of a sudden my drake has started to attack my khaki cambell female... We have 6 altogether and have been fine for about a month. But she has just started laying is this normal?
  5. rosiebramall

    New from Worksop

    Not sure, I only bought them a week ago,
  6. rosiebramall

    New to ducks, make or female

    Ok thank you for your help :) and it's a pleasure love them already. They wonder around my garden like they own the place. Could watch them all day
  7. rosiebramall

    help! I can't tell if these Welsh Harlequin ducks are male or female

    Ok :) my only problem is that I don't know how old they are. I've had Donald (kc) for 6 weeks now & the welsh only a week. How old are they before they lay eggs if one is a girl, because none are yet x
  8. rosiebramall

    New to ducks, make or female

    Yes I see what you mean now... He only does that when he's being nosey though... Like if he he's something unfamiliar (aka my camera flash) so I see what you mean. Not sure what the other two are either but I love them :) just hoping we could get some eggs :D
  9. rosiebramall

    New to ducks, make or female

    I don't think he's a runner I think he's a khaki cambell... & I have no idea I got them fr am auction because all of the people didn't look like they wanted them as pets so I bought them because I loved them straight away x
  10. rosiebramall

    help! I can't tell if these Welsh Harlequin ducks are male or female

    They're all about the same really but Donald the kc is definitely the loudest x
  11. rosiebramall

    New to ducks, make or female

    Aw yay that's good then :) will a khaki cambell and the wh mate? Or?
  12. rosiebramall

    New to ducks, make or female

    @emmajane07 is this photo clearly?
  13. rosiebramall

    New from Worksop

    I have thank you :) I've posted to see if people can help me out with sexing of my ducks. Thank you again.
  14. rosiebramall

    help! I can't tell if these Welsh Harlequin ducks are male or female

    Would anyone be able to help me out with sex of these ducks please? It will be much appreciated. Thank you x
  15. rosiebramall

    New to ducks, make or female

    Hello, I have recently bought three ducks, one is a male khaki cambell and I believe the other two are welsh harlequins... I can't tell if they are male or female. Please help :)
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