Recent content by RQGiliako

  1. RQGiliako

    Comment by 'RQGiliako' in item 'Call Duck'

    I'm considering getting a couple Call ducks to add to a small flock of Bantam hens. I know some basic Duck needs but have never raised any myself. Where can I learn everything I need to consider before bringing some home? Tell me the negatives so I can make a smart informed decision.
  2. RQGiliako

    I'm RQ and I'm a chicken tender

    (1) I've kept a motley crew of adoptees since August, 2018. (2) I have 10 hens at this time. Most of them are around 2 years old. (3) I have a Silver Lace Wyandotte, a Blk Jersey Giant, a Cucoo Maran, a Welsummer, a True Blue and the rest are mixed colour EE's. (4) My gals keep me company...
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