Recent content by rubber duk

  1. rubber duk

    Toulouse & Embdens sitting on same nest?

    Hi all, I've been keeping geese for many years in France & UK. Now in France last year I bought a pair of 18 month old Embdens, goose and gander. Also a pair of year old female Toulouse. They seemed to get on well although the gander took more to the Toulouse for about 6 months. More recently...
  2. rubber duk

    Goose housing

    I had geese for many years, they just need a large wooden/metal box big enough for as many you have at nesting time, I built mine from old wood & pallets. I had 2 using 1 nest the 1st year. Next year they built 2 individual nests but still in the same shed. Never had fighting problems. Last but...
  3. rubber duk

    2 muscovy mums-2 nests-2 separate sheds, 1 for each.........what next?

    2 muscovy mums-2 nests-2 separate sheds, 1 for each.........what next? I have separated the 2 runs now because originally the mum with eggs but not hatched went in the others' shed & became very rough with the smallest chick, mum 2 has 5 chicks now. Mum 1 is still sitting on her eggs. I would...
  4. rubber duk

    I have 2 muskovy females with individual nests 5 yards apart, 1 has chicks, other broody. Is it...

    I have 2 muskovy females with individual nests 5 yards apart, 1 has chicks, other broody. Is it ok to leave the together or should I seperate them?
  5. rubber duk

    Ended Your Chicken Pictures Needed For The BYC 2013 Calendar

    Ok to be more precise.............................. How do I upload a calendar pic & WHERE ARE THE RULES Why not have the link at foot of homepage...............BROWSE ALL ETC.....................just to make it easy not impossible?
  6. rubber duk

    Muscovy drake broody?!

    Thanks for your help
  7. rubber duk

    Do Muscovy duks feed their ducklings when hatched?

    thanks, but what about separating them?
  8. rubber duk

    Do Muscovy duks feed their ducklings when hatched?

    I have some eggs almost hatched. Should I separate the female from the Drake & also my question is when they do hatch what to feed them or does the mother do it? Thanks in advance.
  9. rubber duk

    Muscovy drake broody?!

    An have 2 sitting on the same nest, the 1st one built it 3 weeks ago & sits quietly & still as normal. It's full of eggs she laid 1 week ago the 2nd duck started sitting after making the same nest twice the size but I never saw her lay any eggs in the...
  10. rubber duk

    Muscovy drake broody?!

    Hi Chillin', Thanks for your reply, it's possible they're 5 months because the place I bought them from can be a bit unreliable to say the least. Some years ago I was buying some pintards & they asked me if I wanted some with 1 leg for 1/2 price, they were serious!! Actually today a girl sat on...
  11. rubber duk

    Muscovy drake broody?!

    OK they may be 4 months old not more I know the drake is huge but that normally depends on parents. The girls are small I think!! Before the avian flu problem when I had to put down all ducks & geese I had over here, the girls laid & hatched the 1st year, as did the geese but I never...
  12. rubber duk

    Muscovy drake broody?!

    Hi everyone, this is my 1st post although bred most types of poultry for 20 years or more as an amateur. Presently just have 3 Muscovy's, 2 females & a Drake, all 4 months old. 20 or so eggs in shed in nest, the ladies show no inclination of going broody but the drake does! It's as if he is...
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