Recent content by SallyEdwards

  1. SallyEdwards

    What happened to my Aracana?

    Hi, thank you. She definitely could have fallen off the perch. My girls are fussy at getting the space they want. My gut reaction was a broken neck resulting from a fall. I'm hoping that is it and not a horrible disease.
  2. SallyEdwards

    What happened to my Aracana?

    Thank you, unfortunately she is already buried. I will definitely arrange a necropsy if it happens again
  3. SallyEdwards

    What happened to my Aracana?

    hi everyone, I'm hoping someone will have some ideas about what happened to my Molly. I went to collect eggs and do my evening lock up and found one of my aracanas on the floor of the coop under the roosts. She was laying flat with her head at a strange angle and she did not try and stand or get...
  4. SallyEdwards

    Golden Sex Link Pics??

    I just got some new chicks to increase my flock and 2 are Golden sex links, from the pictures they look very much like my new hampshires, although the chicks are more golden than my new hampshires were.
  5. SallyEdwards

    When do chickens start laying eggs?

    I have 10 chickens all about 8 months old, 8 have been laying for approximately 6 weeks my 2 aracanas not yet. I have been told they are known to take their time
  6. SallyEdwards

    Easter Eggers!!

    This is Molly bought as aracana but she could be EE I am not an expert. She is now a very pretty lady I
  7. SallyEdwards

    When do chickens start laying eggs?

    That is a huge first egg lol
  8. SallyEdwards

    Ended Pictures Needed - Official Caption Contest Submissions Thread #1

    This is Shirley a New Hampshire beauty. In this photo she is 10 weeks old. She has 3 sisters, Tracy, Sharon and Tinkerbell and they were all loving a relaxing few minutes under the heat lamp. I love my girls [/IMG]
  9. SallyEdwards

    Boy or girl?

    Thank you everyone
  10. SallyEdwards

    Boy or girl?

    Yay!! Thank you. These are our first ever chickens so learning as we go
  11. SallyEdwards

    Boy or girl?

    I have 4 eleven week old New Hampshires that all look very similar and no signs of crowing yet, however something about this one makes me think it might be a boy. We are hoping all girls, any thoughts?
  12. SallyEdwards

    integration and roost

    I think roosting depends, my new hampshires didn't start roosting until they were about 9 weeks but my smaller chicks, black sex links and araucanas all are roosting and they are only 4 weeks. Sorry not much help! Lol
  13. SallyEdwards


    Hi I am on the coast in Siletz Oregon
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